Spinach Sandwich

Spinach leaves are very nutritious and high in vitamin content. Parmesan Cheese is a popular variety of cheese that is dry and hard. Usually prepared from skimmed cow milk, it has richer and more sharper flavor when compared to other cheese varieties.

1. Washed spinach leaves (water droplets should then be wiped off) - 1 cup, Parmesan cheese - 1 cup, Basil leaves (Rama thulsi) - 1/4 cup, Garlic flakes - 2 to 3
2. Olive oil- 4 big spoons, lemon juice - as required
3. Brown bread - as required

The first set of ingredients should be blended well in a mixie. After it gets mixed, add olive oil gradually into it. Ensure constant stirring while pouring olive oil. The mixture must ultimately get transformed into a thick paste.Add lemon juice into it and then keep in fridge for some time. Filling should be applied on brown bread pieces and served. Each slice can be cut into different shapes as desired.

Apply butter on two slices of bread (on one side) and spread this spinach filling all over on one slice, place the other bread slice and toast till golden. Serve warm.

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