Ladies Finger Sambar


Onion - 1 small number
Ladies Finger - 4 or 5 number
Tamarind - small lemon size
Sambar powder - 2 table spoon (see the fresh podi sambar to make Sambar powder)
Salt - 1/2 tea spoon
Cooked toor dal - 1 cup (50 grams)
Seasoning: Oil, Mustard, fenugreek, Asafoetida

Add the tamarind in the hot water and squeeze well. Keep the liquid aside.
Cut the vegetables to the size of little finger
Season the mustard, make the fenugreek to golden brown and also add Asafoetida
Add the onion and fry till golden brown
Add the ladies finger
Now add the sambar powder and keep reversing
After a minute, add tamarind water collected earlier
Add salt
Boil this for 10 to 12 minutes
Now add toor dal and mix well
After couple of minutes add currey leaves
Change it to a serving container

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