Nuvvula Burelu


  • Sesame seeds (nuvvulu) : 250 gm
  • Jaggery (Bellam) : 200 gm
  • Oil : 250 ml

For the cover

  • All purpose flour (Maida) : 1 cup
  • Salt : 1/2 tea spoon

  • Roast and grind the sesame seeds into a coarse powder
  • Heat water in a pan add jaggery and make a thick syrup by continuously stirring on slow flame
  • Add ground sesame seeds to the syrup mix well and make a tight dough
  • Make small round ball shapes with the dough and keep aside
  • For the cover mix all purpose flour (Maida), salt in a vessel, make it into thick batter by mixing little water at a time
  • Heat oil in a deep bottomed karahi
  • Dip the round dough balls in the batter and fry on slow flame till borrelu turn into light golden color

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